Monday, March 9, 2015

Our Experience, the Basics

Bonnie wasn't eating.  On the third day of this we took her to our Veterinarian where she was diagnosed by blood work with Evan's Syndrome.

Over the six terrible days of our experience, Bonnie was put on steroids to calm the immune system, given two blood transfusions, intravenous fluids, oxygen therapy and an antibiotic.

Despite all the efforts of our Veterinarian and two animal emergency hospitals, in the end Bonnie was breathing very, very hard (as she had almost no red blood cells to carry oxygen), was tremendously thirsty, had an infection and had a very orange color to her skin.  She was suffering and we had to put her down.  Unbelievably hard.

If she had lived, the quality of her life probably would have been poor per the Veterinarian.

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